The summer season has almost started and it is very important to keep the body healthy during this season. If people start drinking less amount of water during the summer season, then due to this they may have to face many health-related problems. Drinking less amount of water in the summer season can also lead to dehydration. Therefore, to keep the body hydrated during the summer season, one should drink plenty of water. If you want to keep your body fit and healthy during the summer season, then you must consume these drinks. Let's know -

* Coconut water :

You must consume coconut water during the summer season because coconut water is effective in keeping your body hydrated, so it must be consumed in summer.

* Orange juice:

Consuming orange juice in the summer season is very beneficial for your body because by consuming it, there is no deficiency of Vitamin C in your body, and by consuming it regularly, your body also remains hydrated.

* Green Tea :

In summer, instead of consuming tea and coffee, you must consume green tea, because by consuming green tea, your body detoxes and there is no shortage of water in your body.

* Consume lemon water:

It is advisable to consume lemon water during the summer season because regularly consuming lemon water during the summer season helps in keeping the body hydrated and there is no shortage of water in the body.