Photo Credit: Healthshots

We all know very well that fennel is a very aromatic seed. It is commonly used as a natural mouth freshener. Chewing it after eating food removes the problem of bad breath. Apart from this, it is also used in many sweets and many food items to provide better flavor. Let us tell you that an antioxidant called polyphenol is found in fennel which works as a powerful inflammatory agent. Health experts say that you can easily get relief from many problems by consuming fennel, which looks like a small seed. Let us know about it in detail -

Photo Credit: Hindi Path

*Beneficial for heart-related diseases

Let us tell you that India is a country where the cases of heart-related diseases are continuously increasing and many people lose their lives every year due to such diseases. In such a situation, if you are in Delhi, consume about 7 to 10 grams of fennel. If we do, the potassium, magnesium, and calcium present in it reduce the risk of diseases like heart attack to a great extent.

* Eliminate the problem of loss of appetite:

It is seen that some people have problems with loss of appetite and they must consume fennel. If you want, you can boil fennel and drink its water when it is lukewarm, this will improve digestion and your hunger cravings will improve.

Photo Credit: Times Now Navbharat

* Diabetes:

People suffering from diabetes often fear their health worsening, but if they regularly consume a glass of fennel water daily, their blood sugar level remains under control.

* Prevent cancer:

Many researches have revealed that fennel extract can be very effective in fighting cancer and preventing its ill effects. According to health experts, women must consume fennel because it helps reduce the risk of liver cancer including breast cancer.

* Benefits of breastfeeding:

Health experts say that mothers who breastfeed their newborn children must consume fennel. Because it helps in providing better nutrients to the baby by increasing the production of milk.