Tea Leaves for Premature White Hair: Everyone wants to look beautiful and young, for this darkness of hair is necessary, but nowadays white hair starts appearing on the head only at the age of 20 to 25, usually behind this is our peculiar lifestyle and Unhealthy food habits are responsible. In such a situation, many youths have to face embarrassment and low confidence, although now you are going to tell such a trick, which will make the hair of the head dark again.

Get dark hair with the help of tea leaves

Tea leaves can be very useful for you to blacken your white hair. Tea is the second most consumed beverage in India after water, why not darken hair with its help? This work is very easy and this recipe can be adopted sitting at home.

Why is tea leaf beneficial?

All those nutrients are found in tea leaves, with the help of which you can improve the health of your hair. In these, nitrogen is found at 4 percent, potassium at 0.25 percent, and phosphorus at 0.24 percent. Tea leaves have natural black color, with the help of which it becomes easy to get rid of gray hair. Let us know how to apply it to your hair.

How to apply tea leaves to hair?

Tea leaves are not applied directly to the hair, but its water is used.

For this, you put a pot on the gas stove and boil it

Now put 4 to 5 teaspoons of tea leaves in it and boil again for 5 minutes.

If you want its effect to be more, then mix 1 cup of coffee as well.

Now boil the mixture so much that the water remains half as before.

Now turn off the gas and leave it to cool down

Now wash the hair with this tea water, do not apply shampoo during this

Now you can try this process twice a week.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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