Diabetes is an incurable lifestyle-related disease. In this problem, the body is unable to produce insulin or use it properly. Due to the lack of insulin in the body, the condition starts worsening and it affects the overall health. However, diabetes can be managed by following the right lifestyle and the right diet. Today we are telling you how guava can prove beneficial for you in managing diabetes. Dietician Sheenam Malhotra is sharing this information.

Can diabetes be managed by eating guava?

Low glycemic index

Foods with a low glycemic index are absorbed very slowly and help maintain stable blood sugar levels. In such a situation, guava is beneficial for diabetic patients. Guava is a food with a low glycemic index. It is easily digested and absorbed slowly in the stomach and does not allow the glucose levels to rise. Gradually increases glucose in the blood which helps in controlling diabetes.

Guava is a fibre-rich fruit which is considered good for keeping blood sugar levels under control. Fibre takes a long time to digest, causing glucose to be released slowly into your body. This reduces the risk of sugar spikes. Diabetic patients should include guava in their diet.

Low calorie

The amount of calories in guava is very low. Therefore it does not affect your weight. Excessive weight can cause high blood sugar levels in the body.

Guava contains a good amount of Vitamin C which can help boost insulin sensitivity. Vitamin C deficiency affects the blood glucose level in the body. Along with this, guava has a low amount of sodium and a good amount of potassium, which is an essential nutrient for diabetes management.

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