Google Maps is used to get information about any route or location. There are many such features available in it which give good information about any specific place. If you want to add your house or shop on Google Maps, then you have to follow some tips for this. This time, like other places, your house will also be visible on Google Maps.

How to add an address to a map
To add your home or shop to Google Maps, you have to follow some steps. First of all, you have to install the updated version of Google Maps.

After this, you have to tap on the three lines next to the search bar. After clicking here, a new page will open.

Here, if you look at the bottom, you will see an option named Add a missing place. Which has to be clicked on.

If you proceed further, there will be an option to fill in the necessary details like name, address, and location. Here you can also add information about the shop name, website, or anything else.

It takes 24 to 48 hours for the address to be updated. If the address is wrong by mistake, then the option to edit it is also available here.

How to delete search history in Google Maps
To improve Google Maps, new features are constantly being added to it. Users also get the option to delete the history on the map. If you want to clear the history then you have to follow some steps for this.

-First of all open the Google Maps app on an Android phone.

-After this, you have to tap on the profile picture on the top right side.

-Now you have to tap on Settings.

- Tap on Maps History.

-Now you have to tap on the blue colored delete button.

To delete history, you can choose a period from four options.

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