World TB Day 2023: Every year lakhs of TB patients appear in India. TB ie tuberculosis is an infectious disease but its treatment is also possible. However, if tuberculosis disease is not treated in time, the consequences can be fatal. World TB Day is celebrated every year on March 24 to make people aware of the serious disease of TB. Let us tell you that one-fourth of the total TB patients in the world are found in India.

How did the celebration of TB Day begin?
According to America's Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr Robert Koch discovered Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, which causes TB disease, on this day in 1882 i.e. March 24. Due to the discovery of this bacteria, he was also awarded the Nobel Prize in the year 1905. Since then this day was celebrated as World TB Day. For the first time in the year 1982, World TB Day was celebrated.

The theme of TB Day 2023
This year the theme of World TB Day is- “Yes! We can end TB!” That is, we can eliminate TB from the root. The purpose behind this theme is to rapidly adopt the guidelines of the World Health Organization regarding TB and to create a ray of hope among the people to eliminate this disease from the root.

How many types of TB
TB is also known as Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis. There are 4 types of TB disease-
latent TB
active TB
Pulmonary TB
extrapulmonary TB

How to identify TB
cough for more than two weeks
blood in sputum
weight loss
night sweats
land degradation

How to cure TB
TB patient has to take many medicines for 6 to 9 months. At present, 10 drugs have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of TB. These drugs include Isoniazid INH, Rifampin RIF, Ethambutol EMB and Pyrazinamide (PZA).