In Ayurveda, a lot of attention is paid to the time, quantity and nature of food and drink. Emphasis is laid on the correct balance of the three doshas of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in our body. Based on these three doshas, ​​the nature of a person's body is decided and accordingly, it is advised to include some food items in the diet. At the same time, eating some things is prohibited. Especially, what you eat at what time also affects your health. To stay healthy, eating certain things is prohibited at night. Let us know about this from experts. Ayurvedic doctor NitikaKohli is giving this information. She has done MD in Ayurveda and has about 17 years of experience in this field.

Curd should not be eaten at night

According to Ayurveda, eating curd at night can be harmful to health. If you eat curd at night, it can increase Kaphadosha in the body. Especially for people who suffer from asthma, cold and cough, it can obstruct their respiratory tract; hence do not eat curd at night.

Cold food items

If you eat cold foods at night, it can cause harm to your health. Consuming cold drinks and foods at night can upset the balance of all three doshas in the body, so pay attention to this.

Do not eat fruits and salad at night

According to experts, raw fruits and salad should not be eaten at night. These are heavy to digest and if you eat them at night, digestion can get spoiled. These things also contain more water and hence problems like flatulence and bloating can also occur.

Do not eat heavy food at night

Nowadays people eat light food at night in the name of dieting, but Ayurveda always advises to eat light food at night. According to Ayurveda, if you take a heavy dinner at night, it is difficult to digest; hence dinner should be light after sunset.

Do not drink tea and coffee at night

According to experts, you should stay away from caffeine drinks i.e. tea and coffee at night. This can cause insomnia and digestive problems. Lack of sleep can worsen your health, so avoid tea and coffee at night.

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