Nowadays people eat more foods rich in salt, sugar and Trans fat than before. But, have become less active than before. Due to this, the heart and blood arteries have to work harder, due to which the muscles of the heart are damaged.

In addition, this leads to the formation of tiny lesions on the artery walls, which accumulate fatty plaques. This causes the problem of high blood pressure, which causes many diseases like diabetes and obesity.

High blood pressure can increase the risk of many other problems including heart disease, stroke and kidney failure, so it is important to keep it under control. Today we are telling you about the drinks that control blood pressure. Their information has been shared by nutritionist LavneetBatra.

NavneetBatra is a Clinical Nutritionist with over a decade of experience in educating people on a healthy diet. Experts say, "Apart from diet and lifestyle changes, with the help of some healthy drinks, you can keep the blood pressure level low and heart healthy."

Amla and Ginger Juice

Amla and ginger have many benefits and when combined, they make a great health tonic. You can also try a drink made of amla and ginger juice to lower blood pressure levels.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. Also, it contains compounds such as gingerol and shogaol, which give ginger its pungent smell and taste. Apart from this, they also have many health benefits. Amla is rich in Vitamin-C, which helps in boosting immunity. In addition, it improves digestion, helps in weight loss and maintains eye health.

Amla reduces oxidative stress and prevents the development of high blood pressure. Whereas, ginger contains substances that widen blood vessels by promoting vasodilation. This helps in reducing blood pressure.

Beetroot and Tomato Juice

Beetroot and tomato juice are rich in fibre, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, zinc and sodium. It not only removes anaemia in the body, but you can also get many benefits related to health. This keeps the digestive system fine, reduces weight and brings a glow to the face. Also, it helps in reducing the blood pressure level.

Beetroot is rich in nitrates (NO3) and can lower blood pressure. NO3 helps produce nitric oxide (NO) and increases its concentration in the bloodstream, thereby supporting endothelial function.

Tomatoes contain carotenoids such as lycopene, beta-carotene and vitamin E, which are effective antioxidants that deactivate free radicals. These improve both systolic and diastolic (blood pressure is made up of two things, called systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Systolic measures the pressure at the heart beats and diastolic measures the pressure between two beats.).

To make this juice, wash tomatoes and beetroot thoroughly and cut them into pieces. Then add some water to it and grind it in a juicer. Your juice is ready.

Coriander seed water

Apart from enhancing the taste of the vegetable, coriander seeds are also good for health. Drinking its water reduces weight, controls the thyroid and boosts immunity. It contains vitamins A, K and C, which keep hair healthy.

In addition, coriander seed water increases urine output, which helps flush out excess sodium and water from your body. This lowers your blood pressure level.

To make this water, boil 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds in water for 5 minutes. Boil it till the water reduces to half. Then filter it and drink it.

You can also reduce your blood pressure level by including these juices in your diet.

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