Diarrhea Prevention Tips: If you have small children in your house too, then this news is for you only because the outbreak of diarrhea is increasing these days. By the way, due to the rising temperature, whether children or elders, everyone is falling ill. Food spoils quickly in summer and many times people ignore it and eat it like this, then dangerous bacteria present in the food enter their body, due to which loose motion starts with severe pain in the stomach. This is called diarrhea.

Diarrhea is caused by bacteria and viruses. Rotavirus is a common cause of acute diarrhea in children. Bacteria and parasites from contaminated food or water cause diarrhea when they reach the stomach.

What is the problem with diarrhea?
In Diarrhea, the stool comes like thin water. There is also the problem of twisting, cramps, and pain in the stomach. Due to watery stool many times a day, there is a lack of water in the body, due to which the person can become a victim of dehydration.

Why does diarrhea happen?
Excessive consumption of street foods in summer can lead to diarrhea. Along with this, diarrhea can also occur due to eating stale and contaminated food, continuous consumption of some medicines, some viruses, indigestion, and any problem in small or large intestines.

symptoms of diarrhea
- loose motion

- headache and fatigue

- urinating less

- irritability with dizziness

- complaining of cramps in the baby's stomach

- dry mouth

- nausea and dehydration

- lethargy and excessive sleepiness

keep these things in mind
Drink juices and liquids

Keep giving ORS solution

- Consume fiber-rich vegetables

Wash children's hands thoroughly with soap before eating.

Give only unopened bottled water to the children during the journey.

Give only RO water.

other measures
Avoid eating outside food to avoid diarrhea.

Drink at least three liters of water a day. So that the body remains hydrated.

Avoid eating stale food.

Consumption of coconut and lemon water is also effective in providing relief from diarrhea. This will keep the body hydrated.