In fact, after the Covid period, people have again started being careless about their health. We can sleep and wake up as per our wish, and eat anything as per our wish, but we forget that even though COVID is gone, all the diseases present around us still remain a threat to our health. Especially some of our habits are causing us more and more harm. Let us know what it is...

In fact, during the Corona period, we used to wash our hands often, be it after eating something or returning from somewhere, but now the habit is gradually coming to an end. We are back to the same old pattern again. This unhygienic behavior of ours is weakening our immune system, due to which many types of infectious diseases are affecting us.

You may not know it, but just by keeping your hands clean, you can protect yourself from many serious diseases. Although this is a very basic habit, its impact on our health is huge. Let us know how.

1. Prevention from serious diseases
This habit may be small, but its impact is huge. If you clean your hands properly, the risk of stomach and respiratory diseases can be reduced to a great extent. Neither will you suffer from such diseases nor will you have to take antibiotics to cure such diseases, which will greatly benefit your body.

2. Safe from infectious diseases
This is a very basic point. If you wash your hands properly, the risk of infectious diseases will be greatly reduced. Because such diseases need a medium to spread to each other they will not get this medium by washing hands.

(PC: Freepik)