Credit Card: Non-payment of credit card bills on time may result in heavy charges. If you pay on time then your credit card limit also increases and your credit score is also good.

Here are some such reasons, why you should ignore the late payment. The first reason is that if you make a late payment then you will have to pay a late fee.

Late bill payments will also affect your credit score and you will have to pay more interest.

Every time you make a late payment, the credit card issuing company calls you up to pressurize you to pay the money.

Late credit card payment deposits may end up paying higher interest and charges. At the same time, your credit history will also get spoiled, due to which any bank will ignore giving a loan.

If you keep paying the credit card continuously late, then the credit company can take legal action to recover your money.

If you do not pay the credit card bill on time, your financial condition will also deteriorate and your investment plan may also be affected.