The number of heart attack patients has increased rapidly since the Covid-19 pandemic. Earlier the reason was believed to be only Corona infection. But even after vaccination, when there was no decline in the cases of heart disease, questions were raised on the credibility of the vaccine. In this, there was also a court case against the British company AstraZeneca, which was filed by a person who suffered brain damage after vaccination.

After hearing the statement given by AstraZeneca in the court recently regarding Covishield, every person who got vaccinated is worried. Let us tell you that the company has told the side effects of Covishield in court that it can cause blood clotting in the body and reduce platelets, which can cause heart attack and stroke. But its possibility is very low. In such a situation, if you are also worried about your health, then definitely know the opinion of these experts-

How much Covishield vaccination took place in India?

After proving to be the first and effective vaccine for Covid-19, the Government of India made the Covishield vaccine available to the general public in the country. Like the world's largest vaccination campaign, crores of people got this vaccine. According to government data, 170 crore people have been vaccinated with Covishield.

Is every person who gets Covishield in danger?

Dr. Ram Upadhyay, Scientist, at Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA told Bhaskar in a conversation that everyone's metabolism is not the same. For some the side effects of the vaccine are zero and for others, it is 100%. That is why the risk of death from the vaccine is only one in 10 lahks.

Danger only for 6 months after vaccination

Dr. Vikas Kumar, Neuro Surgeon, RIMS, Ranchi (Jharkhand) told Bharaskar that there is no need to be afraid because the side effects of any vaccine are visible in 6 months, but now it is more than two years. Time has passed, so there are fewer chances of any life-threatening risk. Referring to the report of the publication of the American Society of Hematology, he has also said that the risk of side effects from the vaccine is only 3 to 15 out of 10 lakh people. Of these also 90% are cured. The probability of death in this is only 0.00013%. That means 13 out of 10 lahks have side effects, so only one of them will have a fatal risk.