To stay healthy, proper routine, exercise and proper eating habits are very important. Often people set some goals before the New Year to stay fit. But you will get benefit from these goals only if you follow them continuously throughout the year. To stay healthy, you have to set the right routine and goals and follow them without stopping, this will not only keep diseases away from you but will also reduce weight easily. In today's time, diseases are increasing, new infections are affecting our immunity. In such a situation, to avoid this, you should pay special attention to your fitness. Here we are telling you about some health related goals which you must follow in 2024.

Walk 10000 steps daily

Physical activity is very important to stay healthy. In today's time, people work sitting on a chair all day long. In such a situation, it can harm your health. This New Year, you should include walking 10,000 steps daily in your routine. This will strengthen the body, improve digestion, reduce weight and protect you from many diseases. If it is difficult to do this in the beginning, then start by walking 100 steps and then gradually reach 10000 steps.

Do yoga

Yoga is beneficial not only for physical health but also for mental health. Doing yoga is necessary for strengthening the body, improving flexibility, improving digestion and hormonal imbalance and many other things. To stay healthy in 2024, you must do yoga for a few minutes every day.

Have dinner early

Having dinner early is very important to stay healthy. Nowadays experts recommend having dinner before 7-8 pm to stay healthy. Even big celebrities consider early dinner appropriate. This also reduces weight and improves digestion. You should include it in your routine in 2024.

Pay attention to mental health also

In today's time, even though people have started paying attention to physical health, they still ignore mental health. To stay healthy, it is also very important to have good mental health. Be sure to keep this in mind in 2024. Do pranayama, breathing exercises and meditation for 15 minutes every day. So that one can get relief from stress, anxiety, depression and high BP.

Pay attention to nutrition

Lack of nutrition in the body can cause many diseases. Therefore, include focusing on proper nutrition in your goals in the new year. Lack of nutrition in the body can cause many problems including fatigue, weakness, headache and indigestion. Therefore, take a diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Include herbal tea in your diet

There are many such things including basil, mint, coriander and celery, tea made from them provides benefits to the body. If you include this type of tea in your diet, it will keep diseases away from you.

Eat 1 seasonal fruit daily

To stay healthy in 2024, eat 1 seasonal fruit daily. Seasonal fruits protect the body from many diseases, strengthen immunity and maintain energy in the body. You should include 1 fruit in your diet mid-meal every day.

Get proper sleep

Complete sleep is very important to stay healthy. Lack of sleep not only affects the body's energy and digestion but also causes hormonal imbalance. Therefore, get at least 7-8 hours of sleep in the New Year. Lack of sleep can cause much harm to the body.

Drink the right amount of water

It is very important to drink the right amount of water to stay healthy. Lack of water in the body can cause many diseases. It is very important to drink 7-8 glasses of water throughout the day. Dehydration can harm the body. Therefore, pay attention to water intake in the new year.

Get regular health checkups done

To stay healthy, it is very important to get regular health checkups done from time to time. Often people ignore health checkups, due to which the deficiency or disease in the body is not detected at the right time. Therefore, get health checkups done from time to time.

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