How To Clean Floor: Often people are very upset with the yellow floor of the house. Don't know what methods they adopt to overcome this problem. In such a situation, let us tell you that some of the tips given in this article can be very useful for you. With the help of this, not only can your floor be white (White Floor Tips) but it can also be made shiny (How To Clean Floor). In such a situation, know which are those methods and how to use them. In such a situation, you will be able to welcome the guests grandly.

How to make the floor shine

1. If you want to make the floor of the house shiny, then mix lemon juice in a bucket of water and clean your face with the prepared mixture. By doing this, not only the floor can be made shiny but yellowness can also be removed.

2. You can also use baking soda to make the floor shiny. In this case, mix baking soda powder in a mug of water and clean it by soaking a cotton cloth in it, by doing this the floor can be cleaned quickly. Also, the marks can be removed.

3. If you want to make the fresh white, then mix kerosene in a mug of water and clean the marks by soaking a cotton cloth. After cleaning, wash the floor with lukewarm water. By doing this the floor can be cleaned.

Take special care of these things

- Do not clean the floor with acid otherwise the floor may get damaged.

Wear rubber gloves whenever you clean the floor.

- Wipe with a thick cloth. Light cloth can tear quickly and it does not clean well.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, do take expert advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)

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