How to Get Rid of Lizards from Home: Many unwanted guests come to our homes, of which lizard is also one, many people are horrified to see it. The terror of this creature is so much that people don't even like to come near it, even to see it. Although lizards help humans by eating house insects, if they test your food, or fall in milk, then there is a risk of diseases. That's why we often try to drive it away. Let us know what home remedies we can do to keep lizards away from the house.

Why does a lizard come to your house?

- The smell of leftover and rotten food attracts lizards, so try to keep food in the fridge instead of the kitchen slab.

-Lizards can reach the house through roof cracks, windows, exhaust fans, and ventilation systems.

-If the temperature in the room is high, lizards may try to enter, so keep the door closed.

- Pollution in the house can attract lizards. So, keep the storeroom or storage space clean.

Lizards are also attracted to warm water kept in the room.

Ways to keep lizard away from home

1. Keep the house clean Cleanliness

If you want that lizards not to roam around your house, then it is best that you keep your house and kitchen clean, by doing this, insects will not be in your house and lizards will also be theirs. Will not even come to your abode in search. Try cleaning the corners of the house every week. Some people keep the kitchen and sink so dirty that it starts to stink. In such a situation, you cannot stop the lizard from coming. If you try not to leave the food open, otherwise the lizard will start testing it and the risk of diseases will increase.

2. Onions And Garlic

Onions and garlic have strong odors that attack the senses of lizards, this is a good way to get rid of them without harming them. As a result, lizards are less likely to return to the same spot. To keep lizards away, keep some pieces of onion or raw buds of garlic in your house.

3. Dispose of Unused Food

Since lizards usually enter a house in search of open leftover food. That's why throw the junk or leftover food in the kitchen and the rest of the house as soon as possible. If some food is to be eaten later, then immediately put it in the fridge.

4. Naphthalene Balls

Naphthalene balls are an effective way to get rid of lizards in the house, but should only be used in homes that do not have pets or children, as naphthalene balls are dangerous to their health. can be harmful. Since lizards cannot smell the strong smell of naphthalene balls, they avoid them. Get rid of lizards by placing these tablets in kitchen cupboards, storage racks, and under sinks.

5. Reduce Room Temperature

Lizards cannot control their body temperature, they like warm environments. If you use air conditioning at home and reduce its temperature, this organism cannot survive in cold temperatures, so it runs away.

6. Pepper Spray:

Pepper spray, also known as pepper spray, is a great option for you if you do not want to kill the lizard. Where there is a lot of coming and going of this creature, sprinkle pepper spray, its smell makes the lizards run away and at the same time, it also causes irritation in their eyes.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, do take expert advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)

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