Do you not sleep properly at night?

Do you toss and turn all night waiting for sleep?

In such a situation, instead of getting upset, including pistachios in your diet. You may find it a bit strange, but pistachios can help in getting good sleep. If you are not sure, then definitely read this article once.

How can pistachios help in getting deep sleep? Its information has been shared by Ayurvedic expert DrDeekshaBhavsar. “Of all the nuts, pistachios contain melatonin,” he says. This hormone controls your sleep-wake cycle. When melatonin is released, it sends a signal to the brain that it is time to sleep.

Pistachios for deep sleep

“Melatonin helps us fall asleep faster and for longer. It also improves the quality of our sleep, which is essential for healing physical, and mental health and auto-immune-related problems.

He further said, “By eating pistachios, our body also gets magnesium and vitamin B6. Magnesium not only helps you fall asleep quickly, but it also helps you sleep deeply. Also, Vitamin B6 is essential in the synthesis of tryptophan and serotonin. Both of these affect sleep. Tryptophan is an amino acid that increases the production of serotonin. It is known as the happy hormone, which keeps the mood right.

According to Ayurveda, pistachios are carminative and warm, which is great for people suffering from anxiety, insomnia and obesity. It is good for brain health and also improves sleep. Pistachios are also very good for the heart.

Other nutrients present in pistachios

But, as we age, our body produces less of a hormone called melatonin. This can lead to sleep problems like insomnia. Pistachios can help in this situation. In addition to melatonin, these tiny seeds contain all these nutrients-

  • Vitamin-B6
  • Potassium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Copper
  • Thiamine

All these nutrients make pistachios beneficial for health.

Other benefits of pistachio

  • Helpful in weight loss
  • Lowers blood sugar level
  • Improves intestinal bacteria
  • Cholesterol is less

All these benefits help you to get deep sleep.

Therefore, for those of you who do not get deep sleep at night, instead of taking magnesium and melatonin pills, you should eat a handful of pistachios 1 hour before sleeping.

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