Cholesterol Management: How can high cholesterol be reduced?

Cholesterol Management Bad lifestyle and eating habits increase the level of cholesterol in our bodies. It becomes very important to cure it in time, otherwise, you may come under the grip of serious diseases.

Cholesterol Management: You must have heard a lot of terms like cholesterol, blood fats, and lipids. Cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance in the blood that helps the body make hormones and also strengthens cell membranes. There are two types of cholesterol – one is good and the other is bad. As the name suggests, good cholesterol benefits health, and bad cholesterol harms the heart and the whole body. High cholesterol, if left untreated, can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Genetics along with poor lifestyle, diet, and lack of physical activity are believed to be behind the rise in cholesterol levels. So let's know what are the easy ways to control it.

Eat healthy fats

Processed, packaged food contains saturated and trans-fats, so it is better to eat nuts, dry fruits, fatty fish, and desi ghee. Taking the right amount of it will keep your cholesterol in check.

Quit smoking

If you smoke, this also makes a difference in cholesterol levels. Therefore, for people who struggle with this problem, doctors advise them not to any kind of smoking, which includes vaping.

Reduce alcohol consumption

If seen, the consumption of alcohol should be completely stopped for a healthy body. Even if you only have one drink a day, it can make a difference.

Practice meditation

The relationship between stress and cholesterol is deep. That's why practicing meditation or yoga can be beneficial to avoid cholesterol. If you keep yourself calm, then your lipids will be fine.

Work out

Everyone needs to do any kind of workout daily. You can do cardio pilates and yoga. In this way, your weight will be under control, as well as it will be easier to manage cholesterol. Try to exercise for 150 minutes 5 days a week, this will maintain cholesterol and heart health along with weight.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.