21st June is International Yoga Day. Yoga Day is celebrated all over the world to increase awareness about the importance of yoga and health. Yoga is very beneficial for mental and physical health. Regular yoga keeps the mind calm, the mind stable and protects the body from many diseases.

However, different people practice many different types of asanas. A common reason for doing yoga is to have a good lifestyle and stay healthy. But from Pranayama to Surya Namaskar, he chooses yoga asanas according to his body and needs. This article, let us know what is the main reason for most people to practice yoga. To get rid of which problem do people resort to yoga?

According to the National Interview Survey (NHIS) of the year 2016, about 14 percent of adults and 8 percent of children in the US practice yoga. According to a study conducted in America on yoga, 86 percent of people practicing yoga experienced improvement in mental stability, while 67% of people found improvement in concentration and attention. This figure makes it clear that most people practice yoga to improve their mental state.

Most people do yoga for these reasons

Stress management

Through yoga, people try to achieve mental peace and reduce stress. At present, mental disorders are increasing among people. Mental health problems such as anxiety, stress, and depression are a serious concern globally. The number of people affected by these problems is quite large and has been estimated through various studies and surveys.

According to the World Health Organization, about 5 percent of adults in the world suffer from depression. WHO estimates that about 4% of people globally suffer from anxiety disorders. According to the Lancet Commission's 2018 report, about 792 million people suffered from mental health disorders in 2017, which is about 10% of the global population. People resort to yoga to reduce stress and depression and for mental peace.

Physical Fitness

According to the World Health Organization, in 2016, 39 percent of adults aged 18 years and above were overweight and 13% were obese. Obesity rates were also recorded among children and adolescents. The global fitness industry was worth around $100 billion in 2021 and is growing rapidly. The number of gyms, yoga, Pilates, and other fitness centers is constantly increasing. This clearly shows how serious people are about fitness.

People concerned about fitness, such as those troubled by being overweight or obese, also want to shape their bodies by doing yoga and yoga.

The solution to health problems
Due to constant desk work, the posture of the body deteriorates. Also, there may be problems of back and waist pain. Apart from this, problems like diabetes, thyroid, and high blood pressure (hypertension) are very common globally and the number of their cases is constantly increasing.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 463 million adults globally suffered from diabetes in 2019. The International Diabetes Federation expects this number to increase to 700 million by 2045. It is estimated that 10-15% of adults are affected by some type of thyroid disorder.

To reduce these common health problems, most people consider yoga to be effective and practice it regularly. According to the American Thyroid Association, about 20 million people in the US are affected by thyroid disorders. According to the WHO, about 1.13 million people suffer from high blood pressure globally. This number covers about 31% of the adult population.

Which asana is beneficial for you
If you are also troubled by any one or all of the above problems, then include the habit of yoga in your lifestyle to solve these problems. Here you are being told in detail about the suitable yogasana according to your physical and mental condition. However, for the right results, practicing yoga only after expert and medical advice, and practicing under the supervision of a yoga expert will be safe and beneficial.

Mental strength

For mental peace, you can practice Shavasana, Balasana, or Adhomukhsvanasana. It relaxes the body and mind and reduces stress and anxiety. To avoid depression, practice Setubandhasana, and Uttanasana.

The best yoga for increasing concentration and memory are Vrikshasana, Sarvangasana, and Paschimottanasana. Apart from this, you can also practice Pranayama, which includes Anulom Vilom, Bhramari and Kapalabhati, for overall mental and physical health.

Physical fitness
If you have gained more weight than necessary or are suffering from obesity, then you can practice Chaturanga Dandasana, Virabhadrasana, Trikonasana, and Dhanurasana. These can be beneficial asanas for reducing belly fat as well as keeping all parts of the body shapely and fit.