Photo Credit:Dainik Bhaskar

Let us tell you that Vastu Shastra has a very important place in human life because many rules and solutions have been given in Vastu Shastra to solve every small problem related to human life. Vastu Shastra is an ancient science that tells about the structure of the house and the relationship of the things kept in it. According to Vaastu Shastra, the right things in the house should be kept in the right direction and in the right place. Happiness, prosperity, and peace increase. If the structure is as per Vaastu but the things kept in it are not as per the object then you have to face many problems. Let us tell you through this article about those things which are considered inauspicious to keep in the house, these things can cause unrest and many types of problems. Let us know about it in detail -

Photo Credit:HerZindagi

* Broken statues:

According to Vastu Shastra, it is said that if there are broken or torn idols and pictures of Gods and Goddesses in the temple of your house, then you should replace them immediately because due to this you may have to face financial problems. Apart from this, keeping broken glass in the house is also considered very inauspicious because it spreads negative energy in the house.

Photo Credit: Holidayrider

* Bad lights :

According to Vastu rules, bad lights or bulbs kept in the house increase the effect of negative energy in the house due to which financial problems keep increasing.

* Torn shoes and slippers:

According to Vaastu rules, it is said that old and torn shoes, slippers, and clothes in the house also promote negative energy due to which many types of problems start arising in the house.

* Pigeon's Nest:

It is seen that most people ignore it but a pigeon's nest in the house can also completely disturb the peace and increase the negative energy in your house. According to Vastu, it is auspicious to plant thorny plants in the house. If you want your house to be filled with happiness and peace and you do not have to face any kind of financial problems, then you must follow these rules of Vastu. Not only does positive energy remain in your home, but happiness and prosperity also increase in your life.