Home Remedy For Constipation: Nutritious diet helps in keeping our body healthy. Also, a lack of fiber in food can make you a victim of many problems. That's why a person must eat food rich in fiber. Due to the consumption of more fried and junk food, you can be troubled by the problem of constipation. Although this problem is becoming very common among people these days.

Not only adults but children are also troubled by the problem of constipation. The biggest reason for this is bad food. When there is a lack of nutrition in the diet, then physical problems start increasing. Let me tell you, constipation may be a serious problem related to the stomach, but due to this, you may also have many problems related to sleep, hair loss, and skin. However, to get relief from this, people resort to laxatives. But if you use it for a long time, it can cause damage to the intestine. So, today we will tell you a home remedy to remove the problem of constipation.

If every morning you are troubled by constipation these days, then ghee is an effective remedy for it. Yes, by using ghee you will get relief from the problem of constipation. Mix it in hot milk and start drinking it. Butyric acid is found in plenty of ghee, which is effective in getting rid of constipation. On the other hand, consuming butyric acid improves metabolism. Along with this, stool movement becomes very easy. However, along with this, the problem of abdominal pain, swelling, and burning sensation also goes away.

How to use ghee in constipation-

1. Milk and ghee

If you have constipation problems in summer, then for this you start drinking milk mixed with ghee before sleeping at night. With this, your stomach will start to clear every morning. This will also improve your metabolism. Not only this but your intestines will also be cleaned by this.

2. Mishri and Ghee

If you want the problem of constipation to be cured in just a few days, then take Ghee and Mishri for it. Both of these work to clean the stomach. Soak sugar candy in a glass of water for some time. Now mix ghee in it and drink it with hot water. Both of these will help take out the frozen stool in the stomach.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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