For a few days, Sarthak's mood was seen changing. At first, Priya felt the pressure of this change Sarthak's new job, but gradually the bonding between them started deteriorating. While in the office, Sarthak stopped picking up Priya's phone. One day Priya sent a cake for Sarthak to the office, so that his mood could get better but Priya got a different reaction than expected. Sarthak called Priya and told her why she sent the cake to the office. Priya didn't understand what was wrong with her. From then on things started to deteriorate. Sarthak started seeing evil in Priya. Raising the talk of the fight two years ago, he started shunning Priya. He would blame Priya on everything. Priya tried hard to persuade him, but it seemed as if Sarthak had made up his mind to break up. Gradually, Priya understood that Sarthak had prepared the entire script of the breakup. All he needed was a chance. In fact, Sarthak was cheating on Priya for a long time. Another girl had entered his life. After this, everything started revising Priya, that Sarthak used to make excuses from her.
Like in this story, often the reason for many breakups is not what the X tells, but the entry of a third person in the relationship. In such a situation, it is very important that you keep an eye on some things from the beginning, so that you already know that a lot is being hidden from you.Minimize or hide things
Sometimes due to work, you do not get time to talk to your partner, but when you see that your partner is avoiding talking to you or he has time for everyone but not only for you, then you should see Should it really be a matter of time management or is there some other reason.
Don't make time to meet you
When there is love for both, then the yearning to meet also remains intact, but if you feel that your partner makes excuses every time you meet, then you should understand that your partner's time is going somewhere else.
Partner mood swings
This cannot be said in words, but you can understand it very well that a lot of change is coming in your partner. He is missing somewhere and his way of talking has changed. Everything is not as it used to be.
Feel alone
Feeling lonely even with someone is a sign for you that such a person is not right for you. For a few days if you feel lonely or if your words, emotions have no meaning to your partner, then you should understand that things are not the same as before.To lie
If your partner has started lying on everything, then you should understand that many things are being hidden from you. You should not ignore these false things, but in simple words, ask the reason why he needs to hide things.
Lack of emotional bonding
You can understand your emotions very well, so you must also understand that there is no emotional bonding between your partner and you anymore. Its simply because the partner is investing his emotions elsewhere.