Photo Credit: Jagran

In the present time, it is seen that the cases of heart-related diseases are continuously increasing. Among the heart-related diseases, the highest number of cases are heart attacks. In earlier times, heart attack was considered a disease of increasing age, but in the present time, It is seen that even young people are becoming victims of heart attacks. In such a situation, health experts say that a heart attack never comes suddenly. Before its arrival, some major signs are definitely visible in the body, but if you identify them on time and become careful, then you can avoid heart attacks. Let us tell you. These signs are related to numbness in some parts of the body. Let us tell you about these organs in detail through this article -

* Numbness in waist area:

Health experts say that when the heart is not able to pump blood properly, it can affect the heart as well as its surrounding parts. Due to this, the upper left part of the waist may feel numb and along with this, there may also be a feeling of mild pain.

Photo Credit: Redcliffe Labs

* Numbness of left side jaw

According to health experts, before a heart attack, you may hear a fight between your brother or you may experience pain. Sometimes one of these symptoms may be felt and sometimes both. If a person is experiencing these symptoms, he should immediately contact a doctor without any carelessness.

* Numbness of neck area

If there is any kind of problem in the functioning of the heart, then the lower and lower parts of the neck can also be affected. Due to obstruction in blood supply, the left side of the neck becomes numb. Along with this, gradually one starts feeling pain. If immediate treatment is not received, the situation can become serious.

Photo Credit: Jagran

* Left hand becoming numb:

Let us tell you that before a heart attack, the blood flow in many parts of the body reduces due to which numbness is felt in some parts. These include the left hand. If you are feeling tingling in your left hand then you need to be careful. Because it can also be a sign of a heart attack.