Maintaining health in a busy life is a challenge. It is not always possible to find time to go to the gym or do long exercise. But do you know that a small change can make a big difference in your life? Yes, climbing stairs daily can not only increase your fitness but can also pave the way for a longer life.

The results of a study conducted recently at the Preventive Cardiology Meeting of the European Society of Cardiology are shocking. This study found that even small physical activities like climbing stairs in everyday life reduce the risk of heart-related diseases in the long run, which helps in increasing lifespan.

The study's lead researcher, Dr Sophie Paddock, and her team conducted the research on people from the University of East London and Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Foundation Trust. The study found that people who took the stairs instead of the elevator had a significantly lower risk of heart disease. Specifically, people who climbed the stairs four times a day or more were found to have a 70% lower risk of heart disease.

Blood circulation improves
Researchers say that climbing stairs not only strengthens the heart but also strengthens the muscles. This improves blood circulation in the body and weight also remains under control. All these factors together reduce the risk of heart disease and increase the chances of longevity. The benefits of climbing stairs are not limited to the heart only. Apart from this, there are many benefits of climbing stairs:
- Infusion of energy in the body: Climbing stairs increases the energy level in the body and you feel more active and healthy throughout the day.

- Strengthens bones: Climbing stairs strengthens the bones and reduces the risk of diseases like osteoporosis.
- Helps in weight loss: Climbing stairs is an easy way to burn calories. Climbing stairs daily can keep your weight under control.

Climbing stairs is a simple exercise that you can easily include in your daily routine. Climb stairs instead of lift in office, use lift sparingly at home too. These small changes can have a big impact on your health. So what are you waiting for, climb the stairs and take steps towards a long and healthy life.

(PC: Freepik)