In childhood, our parents used to insist that we should eat fresh vegetables so that our health is good, but despite not liking many vegetables, we had to eat them heartily, but when children grow up, they know the importance of vegetables. It goes on, about how important they are for our health. The same is the case with vegetables, its nutritional value is very high. Usually, we cook green bhindi, but have you heard about red bhindi as well, yes, this type of bhindi is also grown in the fields. Since its yield is less, it is sold a bit more expensive.

Which okra is more beneficial
Often this question arises in people's minds that which vegetable is more beneficial for health between green okra and red okra. 'It is also called Kashi Lalima Bhindi, because a few years ago it was prepared by the Indian Institute of Vegetables, Varanasi. The scientist who developed it believes that it is more nutritious than green okra.

The color of normal okra is green due to chlorophyll, similarly, the color of this okra is red due to a pigment called anthocyanin. It is claimed that eating red okra increases hemoglobin and iron in the body by 30% as compared to green okra. It is believed that Kashi Lalima Bhindi has a high amount of calcium air and antioxidants.

Benefits of eating red okra
- Vitamin B and folate are high in red okra, so it is considered very beneficial for pregnant women.
- People who eat more red ladyfinger, their risk of Type-2 Diabetes decreases. Because it can reduce the blood sugar level.
- People who are at risk of heart disease must eat red okra as it helps in controlling cholesterol and blood pressure.

(PC: Freepik)