What do we do to make our skin beautiful? She uses different products and goes to the parlor. But what would you say if you came to know that the onion peels thrown in the dustbin are very useful items? You will be surprised to hear its benefits. In this story, we will tell you how to use onion peel.

Remove stain
If you have rashes on your face, then you start using onion peel. Instead of using any kind of cream, apply onion peel paste on the face. Applying onion peel paste on the face removes facial spots.

Onion peel prevents skin allergies
To avoid skin allergies, soak onion peels in water overnight and wash your face with this water every morning. You will feel the difference in a few days.

Lowers bad cholesterol
If you want to reduce bad cholesterol, then use onion peel immediately. For this, soak onion peel in water overnight and drink this water in the morning. If you want, you can drink it with honey or sugar. With its regular use, you will see the difference within a few days.

Color your hair natural
You can also use onion peel water to make hair beautiful. It is very effective. With its regular use, your hair will become soft and shiny. Not only this, onion peels contain more anti-oxidants than fruits to give natural color to the hair.

Beneficial in sore throat
Onion peel also gives you relief when you have a sore throat. Boil onion peel in hot water and use it. This unique onion tea will prove to be very beneficial for throat related problems.
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