The acne on the forehead looks very ugly. Often no one understands the reason for their existence. Sometimes pimples grow so much that they cannot be cured by using cream or any other beauty product. In such a situation, only home remedies are more useful.

Today in this article, we will tell you which things can be beneficial to reduce this problem. Also, how do you have to use it? To know about all these things in detail, definitely read this article.

Cause of pimples on the forehead

Excess oil, dirt and bacteria can clog the pores of your skin, which can lead to acne on the forehead. They may be in the form of pustules, papules, nodules or cysts. Some of the factors responsible for acne are:

1. Oily skin

Does your face also remain oily? Oiliness is often felt especially in the T-zone. Due to this also acne comes out on the forehead.

2. Hormonal Changes

Hormones play a major role in stimulating sebum production. Hormonal imbalance during puberty can cause pimples to break out on your forehead.

3. Poor Hygiene

Maintaining adequate hygiene levels is said not to contribute to acne. Leaving your hair and face greasy and not washing them regularly can cause oil to accumulate on your face resulting in acne.

4. Hair Products

Hair products irritate the scalp and this can lead to acne on the forehead. If you do not wash your hair regularly, the scalp tends to get oily. This grease starts coming on your forehead due to which the pores get clogged.

5. Oily scalp and dandruff

Dandruff can make your scalp oily. When the oil spreads on the forehead, it leads to acne. Dandruff is one of the most common causes of acne on the forehead.

Remedies for pimples on the forehead-

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil may also help reduce redness. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can reduce pimples on the forehead.


  • Take 2-3 spoons of aloe vera gel.
  • 3-4 drops of tea tree oil

What to do-

  • Mix aloe vera and tea tree oil in a bowl and apply it on the face. After this clean the face. You can also keep it on.
  • Repeat this every night until you see an improvement.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties that can bring your acne under control. It also helps in maintaining the pH level of your skin.

Yoghurt and honey

Another wonderful home remedy for treating forehead wrinkles is a simple recipe using curd and honey. Honey is known to soothe the skin and is loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that nourish the skin cells, thus working on reducing wrinkles. Take half a teaspoon of honey and mix half a teaspoon of curd in it. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and use three capsules of Vitamin E. Soak a cotton ball in this solution and apply it on the forehead twice daily.

Next time, first of all, if you see pimples on the forehead, then find out their reason and then go for the treatment.

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