Are you all set for winter with your warm clothes and blankets? But, do you know that the winter checklist is incomplete without a diet plan that will keep you warm from within and strengthen your immunity?

Therefore, today we are telling you about some such superfoods, which keep away the health and beauty-related problems occurring during the winter season. This information has been shared by nutritionist LavneetBatra. LavneetBatra is a clinical nutritionist with over a decade of experience in educating people on a healthy diet.

The expert says, “People suffering from arthritis are afraid of winter because as the temperature falls, their joint pain increases. Similarly, the skin becomes dry, leading to eczema and psoriasis outbreaks become worse during winter. In such a situation, strong immunity not only prevents us from getting sick in winter, but also takes care of our health, skin and hair. Try these 4 winter superfoods and keep your health healthy.

Black pepper

This spice is present in every kitchen. A pinch of black pepper powder can boost your immune system manifold. Be it reducing cholesterol or maintaining a healthy liver and kidney, the piperine present in black pepper provides the necessary warmth and strength to the body during winter. Also, piperine protects the body from free radicals and keeps the body healthy.

Adding a pinch of anti-oxidant-rich black pepper to turmeric milk at night helps in getting better sleep. Apart from this, the anti-inflammatory properties present in it help in fighting inflammation. This reduces the risk of many diseases like allergies, asthma, and arthritis.

Vitamin C is also present in black pepper, which increases immunity and works as an antibiotic. Black pepper can control the flow of mucus in the body and melt the dry phlegm stuck in the sinuses.


Amla is a winter superfood. This green citrus fruit contains 600-700 mg of Vitamin C. It has antibacterial and anti-viral properties, which prevent common winter problems like colds and coughs.

Its anti-oxidants detoxify the liver and reduce inflammation. It helps in weight loss, which is essential to fight fatty liver.

Amla has been used to treat respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis. Apart from this, the fibre present in it improves digestion, relieves constipation and prevents acidity and indigestion.


This anti-inflammatory root is a winter superfood. To strengthen the immunity system, ginger should be consumed in large quantities in winter. Ginger has natural thermogenic properties, which make it best for winters.

Potassium, folate, zinc and antioxidant properties are found in ginger, which protect against diseases. Apart from this, calcium, iron and many vitamins are found in it. Be it digestive problems or joint pain due to winter swelling, include ginger in your soups, teas and vegetables this winter. Apart from this, the risk of respiratory diseases increases in winter and drinking a cup of ginger tea helps.

Pure desi ghee

Winters are incomplete without ghee. The aroma and flavour of this desisuperfood can enhance the taste of any dish. Ghee contains healthy short-chain fatty acids, which are carriers of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K and essential fatty acids like linolenic and arachidonic acids. It protects body organs, maintains body temperature, stores energy and nourishes the brain.

Apart from this, consuming ghee in limited quantities in winter does not make the skin dry. It detoxifies the body and improves intestinal health. It also treats cough and cold in winter. Winter season is difficult for people suffering from joint pain. The healing and anti-inflammatory properties of ghee reduce joint swelling. Taking ghee with milk strengthens bones.

You too should include these 4 superfoods in your diet to stay healthy in winter.

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