It is natural to have tremors in the hands and legs in old age. At this stage of age, many things often become deficient in the body due to which all these problems start occurring. Many times, hands start trembling due to nervousness or tension. But if you are young and there is continuous vibration in your hands, legs or any part of your body then you need to be careful. Because this can be a sign of a disease called tremor. What is a tremor? Why does it happen and what are its symptoms? Know everything from the experts. Information about this is being given by DrNitinSethi, Chairman & Senior Consultant - PSRI Institute of Neurosciences, PSRI Hospital

What is tremor disease?

According to experts, this is a kind of nervous disorder in which tremors first occur in the hands and legs and later this tremor starts spreading to other parts of the body as well. But maximum vibration is seen in the hands only. Especially while doing simple tasks like drinking water from a glass or tying shoelaces. Initially, tremor is not a dangerous condition but it gets worse with time. This problem is seen in people of middle and increasing age, but mostly it occurs in people above 40 years of age. In such a situation, if you feel any such symptoms during youth, then you should not ignore it. You should contact a neurologist.

What are the symptoms of tremor?

  • constant trembling of hands and legs
  • trembling tongue while speaking
  • trembling hands while writing
  • not being able to hold anything properly
  • Frequent shivering in one part of the body.
  • staggering in walking

Causes of tremor

There are many reasons behind the occurrence of this disease like old age, injury, side effects of medicines, stroke, Parkinson's disease, and Tremor Disease: If the family has this problem, then the chances of the child getting this disease increases.

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