Kidney Stone: The stone will come out automatically without operation, try these 2 Ayurvedic remedies; you will get relief from pain

How To Dissolve Kidney Stones Naturally: The pain of kidney stones comes suddenly and it becomes very difficult to bear it. Sometimes, only by getting an injection from the doctor, one gets relief. When the pain starts to occur frequently, the person starts having difficulty in getting up and sitting and doing daily chores. To get rid of this problem, many people undergo surgery. But this is not the right way to solve the problem. 

Ayurvedic remedies for stone removal


According to health experts, many times after the operation, stones start forming again, due to which the situation becomes the same as before. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about 2 Ayurvedic remedies to remove stones from the kidney, by trying which you can get rid of this problem. Let us know what those two methods are. 


Kulthi dal will be effective

If you are suffering from kidney stones, then horse gram dal can be very useful for you. For this, start consuming this dal 2-3 times a week. According to Ayurveda experts, calcium oxalate is found in horse gram dal, which provides relief in stone pain. Apart from this, this dal helps in reducing inflammation, increasing urine flow and removing toxins accumulated in the body. Its regular consumption leads to the dissolving of small stones and their expulsion through urine. 


Barley water is beneficial

According to health experts, barley water can give you a lot of relief in stone pain. It has diuretic properties, which helps in removing toxins from our body. Its water also helps in cleaning our urinary tract. To make its water, heat a glass of water and add a handful of barley in it. After this, boil the water and filter it. When it becomes lukewarm, drink it little by little. By doing this regularly, your stones will automatically come out of the body. 


Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading this news. This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.