A whale swallowed a man as soon as he saw him in the sea, then the miracle of nature was seen in the next moment

A heart-wrenching incident has gone viral on social media. In this, a whale swallowed a man in the sea. The incident is being told of Patagonia coast of Chile. In this, a humpback whale swallowed a man enjoying a sea ride for a while. The man's name is Adrian Simancas and he was kayaking in the sea with his father Dale. Meanwhile, suddenly a humpback whale came out of the water and caught Adrian in its mouth for a few seconds. After a while the whale threw him out of the mouth without any harm.

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Whale swallowed the man

In the viral video, you can see how the whale first swallowed the man and then threw him out. During this horrific incident, Adrian's father Dale showed his wisdom. He handled the situation without panicking and asked his son to stay calm. Dale captured the entire incident on camera, which later went viral on social media. Adrian said that when the whale swallowed him, he thought his death was certain, but he miraculously survived and did not suffer any harm.

A miracle happened the next moment

Despite this dangerous experience, both Adrian and his father Dale were eventually brought to the shore safely. Speaking to the Associated Press, Adrian said that he swam to his father in fear and both soon reached the shore safely. Adrian was deeply shocked and scared by this incident, but his focus was on not letting his father get into danger. This incident proved that sometimes miraculous events can happen in life. The video has been shared by an official X handle named @Osint613.