High BP will be controlled by eating this one fruit, blood pressure level will remain controlled till the age of 100!

Nowadays most of the people are suffering from the problem of high BP. To control high BP, include this one fruit in your diet. You will see the effect in a few days. 

Nowadays, due to unhealthy lifestyle and wrong eating habits, most people are suffering from the problem of high BP. Due to high BP for a long time, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases. Most of the patients in India are victims of BP, most of these people have very poor eating habits and there is no word of exercise in their lifestyle. In such a situation, they take the help of medicine to control BP. But do you know that along with medicine, diet can also be consumed to control BP. Let us know about the fruit, eating which will control BP immediately. 



Jamun is a dark blue coloured fruit. Antioxidants, potassium and 0 calories are found in jamun. Eating jamun is very beneficial for health. Do you know that jamun is very beneficial for reducing high BP? Eating a bowl of jamun daily will keep your BP under control. Jamun has a high amount of fiber, so consuming jamun keeps diabetes under control and also reduces the risk of heart related diseases. 






When to eat 

If you eat any fruit at the wrong time and in the wrong way, it will not be beneficial but harmful. To control BP, you should consume 1 bowl of jamun daily 2 hours after eating. You will see the effect soon by consuming jamun. 


How not to eat 

A high BP patient should never eat jamun by adding chaat masala or salt. This will not benefit you but will harm you. After bringing jamun from the market, clean it thoroughly with water. After this, eat it without adding anything 



Who should not eat berries 

Eating jamun is very beneficial for high BP patients but low BP patients should not consume jamun at all. If people who have low BP eat jamun, their BP will become very low. In such a situation, low BP patients should keep this in mind. 


Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading this news. This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.