Ghee and honey turn into poison as soon as they enter the stomach, never consume them together

Both ghee and honey are very beneficial for health. Ayurveda also says that ghee and honey are essential for health but eating honey and ghee together is dangerous for health. 

We have heard from our elders that eating honey and ghee together is like poison. Our ancient medical system also says the same. This is because both of them together produce toxins in the body, which have a negative effect on health. When the properties of honey and ghee are used in the right quantity and under the right circumstances, then they are like nectar for the body. But if they are consumed together in equal quantities, then they can be like poison. This is described in Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. According to ancient texts, if they are taken in equal quantities or at inappropriate times, then they create 'ama' i.e. undigested elements in the body, which cause many diseases.


Disadvantages of eating ghee and honey 

According to Charak Samhita, both honey and ghee are extremely rich in nutrients, but when mixed in equal quantities, they can cause opposite effects instead of balancing each other's properties. Consuming this mixture on an empty stomach or in excessive quantities causes digestive problems, lethargy, weight gain and other health problems. Charak Samhita recommends using both of these by mixing them with a third substance.