Why does the earth tremble frequently in Delhi NCR, is the capital ready for a major earthquake?

Delhi Earthquake : Strong tremors of earthquake were felt in Delhi NCR this morning. The tremors were so strong that people left their sleep and started running straight from their houses. The areas of Delhi NCR are considered very sensitive in terms of earthquake. 

Delhi Earthquake : Strong tremors of earthquake were felt in Delhi NCR today on Monday 17 January 2025. The intensity of the earthquake was measured 4.0 on the Richter scale. The earthquake occurred at 5:36 in the morning. Its tremors were so strong that people left their sleep and ran straight from their homes. Let us tell you that the areas of the national capital Delhi and NCR are considered very sensitive in terms of earthquakes. 


How sensitive is Delhi NCR 

According to scientists, when there is imbalance in the plates of the earth, they slip. Due to this, a large amount of energy starts coming out, due to which earthquake tremors are felt. According to scientists, many fault lines (cracks between two blocks of rocks on the surface of the earth) pass through Delhi. Among these, Mathura fault line, Delhi-Moradabad fault line and Delhi Sohna fault line are among the most active fault lines. 

Why does earthquake occur in Delhi? 

In terms of earthquakes, the country has been divided into 4 seismic zones. These include Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4 and Zone 5. Delhi and its surrounding areas are included in Zone 4. The areas in Zone 5 are considered the most sensitive. Earthquakes in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Afghanistan, Nepal, Afghanistan and Jammu and Kashmir affect the fault lines of Delhi. In such a situation, strong tremors of earthquake are felt in Delhi and its surrounding areas.  



Is the capital ready for a major earthquake? 

The capital Delhi falls in earthquake zone 4. In such a situation, an earthquake of more than 7 magnitude can occur here, which can cause a lot of devastation. Apart from this, the national capital is also close to the Himalayan region. Due to this also earthquake tremors are felt here. The population in the capital is also very dense, which is not at all safe from earthquakes. According to a report that came a few years ago, more than half of the buildings in Delhi are not built keeping earthquakes in mind. In such a situation, an earthquake of 7 magnitude can cause damage to life and property.