This world is full of unique and beautiful views, where in some places you get to see rivers and waterfalls and in some places, you get to see mountains and forests. These wonderful views promote tourism. These are some of the beautiful scenes which offer the best view of their architecture. You will also get to see many bridges around the world which are a part of tourism. Now you must be wondering what to see on the bridge! So let us tell you that many such bridges across the world have made a special identity with their art. Today we are going to tell you about the most beautiful and unique bridges in the world, which you will also be surprised to see.

Golden Bridge, Vietnam
There is such a wonderful bridge in Vietnam which attracts people from all over the world. The structure of this bridge is so magnificent that the breath of the spectators stops for a moment. Yes, only two big hands are holding this bridge. This bridge is built at a height of about 1,400 meters above sea level, whose length is about 150 meters.

Helix Bridge, Singapore
Singapore is very ahead in modern architecture. One place you should never miss when visiting Singapore is the Helix Bridge near Marina Bay. It looks beautiful both at night and during the day. Blue light shines in it at night. A large number of tourists come here and get photographed.

Invisible Bridge, China
Located in the Hunan province of China, this bridge is the largest and longest glass bridge in the world. This bridge made of glass is built 300 meters from the ground and between two hills. The width of this 430-meter-long bridge is 6 meters. This bridge is constructed with three layers of transparent glass, through which people can see the view below. When people standing on this bridge are seen from a distance, it seems as if they are hanging in the air. To visit this bridge, booking has to be done a day in advance. Because not more than 8000 people can go to this bridge in a day.

Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia
Langkawi Sky Bridge is considered extremely dangerous. This bridge is built over the mountains and its width is 6 feet. Let us tell you, this bridge is built at a height of about 2,300 feet above the sea. The beauty of Malaysia is visible from this bridge, which can fascinate anyone. This bridge is only for pedestrians.

Rialto Bridge, Italy
Venice is one of the most romantic cities in the world, where every couple wants to reach. Venice is a city that cannot be imagined without bridges. This city is built on water. But when you come here, you cannot live without seeing the beauty of the Rialto Bridge.

Lucky Knot Bridge, China
This beautiful bridge is built on the Dragon King Port River in Changsha city of China. The height of this bridge built on the Port River is 24 meters and the length is 185 meters. This bridge has been connected to the river, road, and park for traveling on foot. This bridge is not for vehicles, it is only made for walking.

Leaving Root Bridge, Meghalaya
The Leaving Root Bridge located in Meghalaya is a beautiful sight of nature. The special thing about this bridge is that it is made from the roots of a tree named Ficus Elastica Tree. The roots of this tree are very flexible and strong and can lift the weight of more than 50 people simultaneously. As the tree grows, its strength also increases. The age of these bridges made of tree roots is about 500 years. Local people direct the roots of this tree according to their needs and it grows in the same direction.

Wind and Rain Bridge, China
Wind and Rain Bridge is considered to be a unique architecture of the Dong people living in China. This bridge is made of wood, the upper part of which is also covered with wood. Due to being covered, this bridge remains protected from rain and winds in bad weather, on the basis of which the people of Dong have named this bridge as Wind and Rain Bridge. The length of this bridge is approximately 64.4 meters and the width is 3.4 meters. The height of this bridge is 10.6 meters.

(PC: Lifeberrys)