The threat of infertility looms over Indian men, they have to do this to save healthy sperm

Indian Men Facing Infertility: The risk of infertility is increasing rapidly among Indian men. In such a situation, most men are getting sperm freezing done to increase the chances of becoming a father.

The increasing infertility among men in India has now become a matter of serious concern. Experts say that 25-30% of infertility cases in India are related to men. At the same time, according to the report of the National Institute of Health, men are responsible for about 20% of the cases of not being able to conceive and are a contributing factor in the remaining 30% to 40% of infertility cases.


Factors like pollution, stress, poor lifestyle, late marriage, obesity, smoking and alcohol are considered responsible for the increasing infertility in men. In such a situation, the trend of sperm freezing is increasing rapidly in India to prevent infertility. What is sperm freezing and how is it done? Here we are telling you for whom it can prove beneficial.

What is sperm freezing?

Sperm freezing is a medical process in which men's sperm are frozen at ultra-low temperatures so that they can be preserved for years.

How is sperm freezing done?

This process has three major stages-

Sample collection- In this stage, a sperm sample is taken from the man through natural or medical methods.

Processing- In this stage, impurities are removed from the sperm and they are mixed with cryoprotectants so that they remain safe during freezing.

Freezing- Finally, the filtered sperm is frozen at a temperature of minus 196 degrees Celsius and kept safe in liquid nitrogen.

How much does sperm freezing cost?

The cost of sperm freezing in India is between Rs 10,000 and Rs 15,000. After this, the cost of keeping it safe every year is around Rs 8,000 to Rs 10,000. Internationally, this cost ranges from Rs 50,000 to Rs 1 lakh annually, which is comparatively less in India. Currently, in India, the facility of keeping sperm safe for 20 years is available.

The trend of egg freezing is increasing among women too

The trend of egg freezing has also increased rapidly among women. In this, the eggs of women are taken out and kept safe at extremely low temperatures. Then whenever the woman wants to conceive later, these eggs are defrosted and pregnancy is achieved through IVF process. 


Why is there a need for egg-sperm freezing

Egg freezing is being considered an effective option due to career priorities, health problems and late marriage among women. Egg freezing reduces the concern about the biological clock, because the quality of eggs decreases with age. However, the cost of egg freezing is higher than sperm freezing. At the same time, sperm freezing has become an important option for men, especially those who are employed in high-risk professions or who may face problems in having children in the future.


Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading this news. This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.