Personal Loan Without Credit Score: Money can be needed anytime. But it is not necessary that getting money is also that easy. In such a situation, there is a way to apply for a loan. But if you do not fulfil certain conditions then it may be difficult for you to get the loan. You must have a good credit score to get a loan anywhere. The bank gives you the loan on the belief that you will repay the loan. Your credit score confirms that what is your ability to repay the loan, what is your history. But if there is no credit score, if it is zero, then will the loan not be available? Let's understand.

Will I get a loan if my credit score is zero?
Getting a loan with a bad credit score or zero credit score can be difficult, but not impossible. You can get a loan even on a zero credit score, just you may have to bear some loss of it. For example, you can be given a higher interest rate on your loan. Or the bank may agree to give a loan only on an amount less than the loan required.

But what about first-time borrowers?
But a reasonable question is that one who has never taken a loan, or has never used a credit card, then what about his credit score? If he has not built his credit, then on what basis will he get the loan? He will also get the loan, he just has to fulfil some conditions.

What is required to get a loan against zero credit?
If you are seeking a loan without a credit score, if you are a salaried employee, then your monthly income should be above Rs 13,000 in a month.
If you do your business, you would have earned at least Rs 15,000 a month.
Your income is credited to a bank account every month,
Your age is between 21 years to 57 years.
If you fulfil these conditions, you will get the loan even if your credit score is zero, even if you have never built your credit score.