It has been 14 days since the war between Israel and Hamas. Both countries are continuously wreaking havoc with bombs, shells, missiles, and rockets. In such a situation, we need to discuss Syria amid the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas because there is constant tension between the two. It started about 56 years ago.

Israeli Hamas War Image Credit Source: PTI

Amidst the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, a discussion of Syria is also necessary because there is constant tension between the two. It started about 56 years ago but its roots are hidden in war. In this war, Israel defeated Syria and captured its important area, the Golan Heights. Later, despite several attempts, Israel did not move away from there. The Israeli army is now present in this strategically important area.

There are many Jewish settlements here. However, some Syrians also live there. But Israel has complete control over that area. The arrangements there are being run under the supervision of the army. United Nations peacekeeping force is also deployed on the border. The ceasefire agreement is in force between the two countries. Despite this, bombing from both sides is common.

What is the importance of Golan Heights?

The Golan Heights are important for Syria because it has been its land. He has an emotional attachment. It continues to gain strength because Israel's occupation of the Golan Heights has not yet been recognized at the international level. This has now become important for Israel because it has been under occupation for 56 years. Israel has established Jewish settlements here. This area has become important for Israel from many points of view. It is easy to keep an eye on Syria from here because the area is at a high altitude. Farming is being done on a large scale in the entire area. The land here is very fertile. There are also orchards of grapes and other fruits here. More importantly, the water released from the Golan meets Israel's needs.

What were the Syrian efforts?

After being defeated by Israel in 1967, Syria again tried to get it in 1973. Attacked Israel but to no avail. Israel suffered losses but did not retreat. It should be noted that a ceasefire has been in force here since 1974. But despite this, the war between the two countries did not stop. In 1981, Israel made a unilateral announcement of annexing the Golan Heights into its country, which was not accepted by the United Nations Security Council. But Israel is careless and has completely occupied that area.

Meanwhile, around the year 2000, Ehud Barak, who was the Prime Minister of Israel, took the initiative to return some area of ​​the Golan to Syria, but Syria wanted a monopoly on that area, due to which the agreement could not be reached. Talks started again in 2008 on the initiative of the Turkish government, but in the meantime, when the new government came to power, Netanyahu became the PM. He refused to return to the Golan Area. This tension has been going on since then. Meanwhile, Syria remained a victim of civil war for a long time, due to which it remained busy in solving its problems.