Some people have problems with protein. The body takes a lot of time to digest protein and this can cause problems for some people.

To get relief from protein indigestion, pineapple should be consumed before taking a high protein meal.

Symptoms of protein indigestion: Protein is an important part of a balanced diet. It works to make new cells and repair cells. However, some people have problems with protein. The body takes a lot of time to digest protein and it can cause problems for some people. Actually, enzymes like pepsin, trypsin and protease are needed to digest protein in the body. The problem of protein indigestion is quite common. Let us know the symptoms of protein indigestion and tips to get relief from this problem.

Symptoms of protein indigestion

If the body has trouble digesting protein, then many types of symptoms can appear. Undigested protein in the body can cause smelly stools. Along with this, most people start having constipation problems due to indigestion of protein. Some people also have stomach pain due to high protein diet. Especially after high protein diet like egg or cheese, one may have to face the problem of severe stomach pain.

Ways to get relief from protein indigestion

Eat pineapple

To get relief from protein indigestion, pineapple should be consumed before taking a high protein meal. The enzyme found in pineapple helps in breaking down the protein, which makes it easier to digest the protein.

Enzyme pills

If the problem of protein indigestion is very severe, enzyme pills can also be taken on the advice of the doctor. These pills help in digesting the protein properly.

They should not take high protein diet

People who have kidney related problems should avoid high protein diet. High protein diet can increase the pressure on the kidneys due to which the problem can increase further. People who have problems with protein should keep these things in mind. This can help them in reducing their problems.