Zinc-Rich Foods: If you want to get healthy and glowing skin from the inside, then you have to take special care of your diet. For this, it is advised to stay away from sweet and pasteurized foods and eat more and more fresh fruits and vegetables. There are many such nutrients, which are very important for healthy skin. One of these is zinc.

Although zinc is not required in large amounts like other nutrients, the body must have sufficient amounts of it to remain healthy. Some people resort to supplements to make up for zinc deficiency, but we are going to tell you about some food items, eating which can make up for zinc deficiency in your body.

Which foods to eat to make up for zinc deficiency?

1. Nuts
Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, and cashews are rich in zinc. They contain healthy fats and selenium, which can do wonders for the skin, such as keeping the skin nourished and hydrated. Its antioxidant properties can also help fight acne-related problems.

2. Legumes
Legumes are also a good vegetarian source of zinc. Lentils and beans can help repair damaged skin. These are the easiest and most beneficial ways to meet zinc deficiency as they can be eaten in many ways.

3. Fish
Fishes are a great source of fatty acids and omega-3, apart from this, zinc is also found in plenty of them, which is essential for healthy skin. Vitamin E present in these protects the skin from inflammation and repairs it from the inside. Therefore, it can be a good option to include sea foods like oysters, mackerel, etc. in the diet.

4. Eggs
Eggs are also a good source of zinc deficiency. The lutein present in eggs can improve skin elasticity. They also contain amino acids, so if you are already in the habit of eating eggs for breakfast, you should continue with it.

5. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc. They contain selenium, vitamins A and C as well as antioxidants, which are essential for healthy skin. The fatty acids present in these can help in getting glowing skin. You can eat pumpkin seeds by adding them to salads or use them in other dishes. Apart from this, sunflower seeds and watermelon seeds are also rich in zinc.
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