In the virtual world, we have started doing more work of sitting. That's why keeping yourself fit has become a huge task. This is because due to continuous sitting, the movement of the body is less and there is pressure on your back, due to which back pain starts. Along with this, other health-related problems also arise like increasing obesity, the bad shape of the body etc.

That's why everyone wants that their body should be fit and they should look absolutely fine. If you also want to stay here, then today we have brought some such asanas for you, with the help of which asanas can be done while sitting at the desk.

Do Marjari Asana while sitting on a chair

Marjari Asana is derived from the word "Marjar" because the posture of this asana is similar to the posture of a cat and the cat is also called Marjar. That's why it is known as "Margari Asana". It makes the backbone strong and the body agile. If you do this yoga regularly, you will get a lot of benefits.

How to do Margari Asana?

  • To do this, sit on the chair.
  • Keep the spine straight and both feet on the floor.
  • Place both palms on the knees or thighs.
  • Inhale the long breath and expand the chest outwards.
  • While bending the spine, move the shoulders backwards. This is Bitilasana.
  • Then while exhaling slowly, round the spine by moving it towards the back.
  • Hug the chin. Do this in such a way that the shoulders and head lean forward. This is a margari seat.
  • Do both these asanas at least 5 times while taking long breaths and exhaling slowly.

Do stretch exercises

You can do full-body stretches while sitting on a chair. By doing this exercise, not only will your lethargy go away, but extra fat will also not accumulate in your body. For this, first of all, sit straight on the chair and raise both your hands up in line with the body.

During this, your stomach will come forward but you try to keep your stomach backwards. Also, push your back forward. But in this stress, you have to look straight and lose your shoulders.

Gomukhasana while sitting on a chair

Gomukhasana As you are getting to know the name itself by doing this asana, your condition becomes like that of a cow. This asana of yoga is very easy to do. You can do this comfortably at home or in the office. You just have to follow the steps mentioned below.

How to do Gomukhasana?

  • To do this asana, sit straight on the chair and keep your back straight.
  • Then place your one leg on the other leg, but keep in mind that while doing this one of your thighs is on top of the other.
  • After this, lift the left hand and bend it from the elbow side and take it backwards below the shoulders.
  • After that, bend the right hand from the elbow and take it upwards and take it on the back.
  • Keep the fingers of both the hands behind the back in such a way that they are interlocked with each other.
  • Now try to bend the head backwards by resting it on the elbow.
  • Breathe in and release while doing this action and repeat 4 to 5 times.

In addition, you can also stretch your neck, shoulders, and legs while sitting on a chair.