Navratri has started from 9th April. Devotees fast during this nine-day festival. Eat fruits for nine days. Summer has started. If you are fasting during this period, drink enough water. Keep the body hydrated. Apart from this, due to not eating food the body's energy starts decreasing. You can try to keep yourself fresh by eating fruits, but if you want to maintain body energy then you can take the help of yoga.

Yoga should be done to stay healthy and avoid diseases. Yoga can also provide long-term benefits in keeping the body energetic, fit, and active. Know in this article about the yogasanas done during fasting during Navratri.

Utkatasana Yoga
Chair pose or Utkatasana yoga is considered very helpful in keeping the leg muscles healthy and strong. This yoga is considered very beneficial in pumping blood in the body. According to yoga experts, regular practice of this yoga can be very beneficial in keeping the body active throughout the day.

Shalabhasana Yoga
The practice of Shalabhasana Yoga is considered best for energizing the body. Practicing this yoga can be very beneficial in strengthening the back, hamstrings, and glutes as well as increasing blood circulation. Practicing this yoga asana for 5-10 minutes daily can help in keeping the body active throughout the day.

Practice of pranayama
Pranayam is considered to be the best exercise for the circulation of energy in the body. By making various types of pranayama part of your daily routine, you can keep yourself energetic throughout the day. Through Pranayam, the circulation of oxygenated blood in the brain can be increased which can help in curing many types of serious problems.