The source of calories is food, which comes from the fats, proteins and carbohydrates a person eats. Calories provide energy to the body but increasing calories can cause many health problems. Excess calories help in increasing body weight in the form of extra energy, which can lead to reduction in physical activities.

If you want to control weight and stay healthy, then burn calories. Physical activity i.e. exercise and yoga practice is effective in burning calories. You can also do yoga to reduce more calories in less time. In this article, you are being given information about some such yogasanas, with regular practice of which up to 200 calories can be burnt in about half an hour.

Surya Namaskar
Practicing Surya Namaskar is beneficial for burning calories fast. Surya Namaskar is a set of 12 asanas, which takes one minute to perform. 13 to 14 calories can be burnt in this time. It depends on the practitioner how fast he can complete 1 set.

The practice of Halasana is a little difficult. But with its practice you can burn 2 to 3 calories every minute. The more time you do Halasana, the more calories will be burned.
Lie on your back and keep your hands close to the body and palms facing the ground. Now raise both the legs 90 degrees upwards and keep both the palms on the ground. Take the back of your head on your feet. Stay in this position for some time.

Dhanurasana is considered one of the 12 basic asanas of Hatha Yoga. By practicing asanas, the entire back gets stretched and flexibility in the waist increases and the waist becomes strong. One minute of proper practice of Halasana can burn 3-4 calories. The more time you practice, the more calories you will be able to burn. To do this asana, lie down on your stomach, bend both your legs and move them upwards. Holding the toes of the feet with both hands, inhale and pull the feet upward. After remaining in this position for some time, come back to normal position.

(PC: Pixabay, social media)