July 31, 2023, is the last date for filing ITR. If you do not do this important work today. In such a situation, you may have to face many problems. In such a situation, you should do this work today itself in time. You can file ITR by visiting the e-filing portal. The process of filing an ITR is quite simple. You will not have to face any kind of problems with this. On the other hand, if you do not file your ITR today i.e. on 31 July. In this case, you will have to pay a fine of Rs 5,000 for late filing of ITR. For this reason, you should file an income tax return today. Let's know about it in detail -

For the past few days, the Income Tax Department has been continuously asking taxpayers to file income tax returns. Regarding this, he is also updating the income taxpayers on various social media platforms.

If you do not file your ITR by 31st July. In this case, if your annual income is less than Rs. In this case, you will have to pay a fine of Rs.

Those whose income is more than Rs 5 lakh. They will have to pay Rs 5,000 as a late fee. On the other hand, if the taxpayers do not file their ITR by 31 December. In this situation, he will have to pay a fine of Rs 10,000.
In such a situation, you should file the income tax return immediately without any delay. Otherwise, you will have to pay the fine.

(PC: Freepik)