Calculus or kidney stone originates in the urinary tract. Pain in urination, difficulty in urination, less urination, etc. are included in the symptoms of stones. Practicing some yoga asanas can help to get rid of the problem of stones. Yoga helps in removing stones by giving a balanced mind and healthy body, as well as strengthening the kidneys. However, if you are troubled by the problem of stones, then before starting yoga, take the advice of a doctor.

Begin your yoga practice by ascertaining which yoga is right for you and what special precautions are necessary. In the next slides, know about the beneficial yoga asanas for the treatment of stones.

This posture strengthens the intestines of the stomach and gives relief from pain. For the practice of Pawanmuktasana, while lying on the back, join both legs and apply the palm on the ground. Now bend the right leg from the knee and hug it to the chest. Join the fingers of both hands and hold them slightly below the knee. Then, while pressing on the chest with the feet, exhale in and out.

This asana keeps the kidney active and helps in removing stones. To do Bhujangasana, lie down on your stomach and breathe while keeping your palms under your shoulders. Now lift the front part of the body upwards. After staying in this position for a few seconds, come back to normal.

Dhanurasana is effective in reducing the problem of urination. Also can help in keeping the kidney healthy. For the practice of Dhanurasana, spread the legs by lying on the stomach on the ground. While lifting the legs, hold the ankles with the hands and take a deep breath. Stay in this position for some time while lifting the chest and legs above the ground. After resting the body and feet on the floor, after resting for some time, repeat this process.

(PC: Freepik)