To get complete protein, it is often advised to eat meat, fish, and eggs, but everyone can't eat non-vegetarian, because there is a significant number of vegetarians in India. In such a situation, the question arises as to how vegetarians can meet their protein needs. India's famous nutrition expert Nikhil Vats told that this nutrient can be obtained even by eating some vegetables.

Eat these vegetables to get protein
1. Cauliflower

Very few people would be aware that eating cauliflower provides protein to the body, along with potassium, magnesium, and fiber are also found in plenty in it. If you eat it regularly, then the need for protein in the body will continue to be fulfilled.

2. Spinach
Spinach is considered very nutritious among green leafy vegetables. It contains protein and it is also rich in vitamin B and fiber. That's why eat spinach regularly.

3. Potatoes
Do you know that protein can be obtained even by eating potatoes, although you have to cook it specially? Fry the cut potatoes on a low flame. Apart from protein, fiber, vitamin C and potassium will also be available from this.

4. Broccoli
If you do not like to eat meat and eggs, then you can start eating broccoli. This is a healthy vegetable in which apart from protein, iron will also be found in plenty. Boiling it or eating it as a salad will give benefits.

5. Mushroom
Mushroom is an expensive option but it is considered a rich source of protein. If you eat it 3 to 4 times a week, then there will be no shortage of many other nutrients including protein in the body.