To remain healthy, one should try to keep one's body and mind healthy since childhood. For this, regular exercise and yoga should be done. Practicing yoga is beneficial in preventing many types of diseases. Yoga not only keeps the body healthy but also keeps the mind stable. Experts also recommend doing yoga to get rid of many diseases. Although many types of yoga asanas are beneficial, if everyone from children to elders wants to do yoga together at home in the morning, then four types of yoga asanas are beneficial for every age. Children and adults can do the four yoga asanas regularly. This provides many benefits to health. While children have concentration and tall stature, older people have stronger immunity and get relief from many diseases. Let us know about four common yogasanas for every age.

There are benefits of doing this Yogasana during adolescence. While doing Sarvangasana, lie down on your back. Joining both legs together, keep the arms and palms facing the ground. Pressing the ground with the palms, lift both legs straight towards the ceiling. While lifting the hips and waist above the ground, bend the elbows and place them on the waist. Keep the body at a 90-degree angle by supporting it with your hands. Remain in this position for a few seconds.

Take the body to the tabletop position. Now keep your hands and knees on the ground below the hips and shoulders and elbows in a straight line. Keep the neck and head straight and do not bend the spine. Putting the body weight equally on the palms and knees, lift the waist towards the ceiling. While placing the chip on the chest, take a deep breath go down to the stomach, and lift the waist. Raise the head towards the ceiling.

Pranayama practice helps maintain better oxygen circulation in the brain cells. The practice of this yoga is also considered beneficial in keeping the nervous system in order, reducing obesity, and diabetes, and removing toxicity from the body. Practicing pranayama also reduces stress levels which is considered to be one of the major causes of hair fall. By making a habit of regular practice of pranayam like Kapalbhati, and Anulom-Vilom, you can give many benefits to the body.

Shirshasana Yoga
To keep the brain calm and healthy, one can practice Shirshasana. Improves the functioning of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. It is highly recommended for improving cognitive performance. Making a habit of practicing this yoga can help in maintaining better mental health and maintaining concentration.

(PC: Freepik)