Heart-related problems have been seen to increase rapidly since Covid 19. In the last few years, the risk of death among people due to problems like heart attack and cardiac arrest has increased. Heart disease can happen to a person of any age. This is a seriously problematic and fatal disease. According to health experts, the risk of heart disease increases further due to lifestyle and dietary disturbances in people.

Its effect can be seen in children less than five years of age, the risk of cardiac arrest was also seen in them. Yoga experts say that regular practice of yoga can reduce the risk of many life-threatening health problems including heart disease.

Practicing yoga can control high blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, which helps in reducing heart rate. The risk of heart attack can also be reduced. Heart-related problems can be prevented by including yoga asanas in your daily routine. Here are the yoga asanas that reduce the risk of heart problems and heart attacks.

Pranayama practice is beneficial for mental and physical health. The main factor of heart disease is high blood pressure, to reduce this yoga asana can also be done. The practice of Pranayam helps in relaxing the heart muscles and improves blood circulation. At the same time, the practice of Pranayama Yoga can reduce any extra pressure on the heart. To keep the heart healthy, develop the habit of Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, and Anulom-Vilom in Pranayam.

Practicing this asana strengthens the lungs. Improves digestion and strengthens muscles. To get rid of the problem of heart disease, you can practice Trikonasana. To do this asana, stand straight and keep a distance of about two feet between the legs. Taking a deep breath, tilt the body to the right and move the left hand upwards. Keep your eyes fixed on the fingers of your left hand and remain in this position for some time. Come back to your old state.

Vrikshasana reduces stress, keeps the mind calm, and prevents heart disease problems. To do this asana, maintain balance by keeping the left leg straight. Taking a deep breath, take your hands above your head and make a Namaskar posture. Keeping the spine straight, place the left sole on the right thigh. Repeat the same process.

Marjorie seat
To do this asana, the body posture has to be like a cat. Practicing Marjari Asana strengthens the waist bone. It can improve body agility, improve bad posture provide relief from back pain, and prevent heart diseases.

(PC: Freepik)