Dates are a super food which provides don benefits to health. Its consumption in winter is considered very beneficial because it also keeps the body warm and how it contains nutrients which help you in fighting diseases but diabetes patients often Dates are avoided because their taste is sweet. Does eating dates increase sugar? Let us know about this from experts.
Can diabetic patients eat dates?
Expert LavneetBatra says that if you consume dates in limited quantity then it can help diabetes patients in many ways. Because dates are rich in fibre antioxidants, and minerals like iron, magnesium, and potassium. Its glycemic index is also good which makes it a good source of nutrition.
The presence of fibre in dates helps in slow absorption of sugar in the bloodstream, which prevents an increase in blood sugar levels. At the same time, its glycemic index is also low, due to which a situation like a sudden increase in blood sugar does not arise. Dates are rich in antioxidants, phenolic compounds, flavonoids and phytosterols that reduce oxidative stress and help control inflammation. This also keeps diabetes under control.
Diabetes patients can benefit from eating one to two dates a day. You can eat dates along with dry fruits. However, experts also say that how much your sugar has increased. Depending on your condition, you can include dates in your diet on the advice of your doctor.
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