PC: tv9marathi

There is a risk of dengue and malaria in the changing weather. Dengue disease spreads rapidly. Dengue fever, cold, and cough are all very painful. Even after dengue is cured, anemia persists in the body. Sometimes the number of platelets also decreases. To compensate for all this, doctors advise to recover from dengue.

In dengue disease, the immunity of the patients becomes very weak. Along with this, dehydration also occurs. Today we will look at those foods that can increase your platelets. You can include these foods in your daily diet.

PC: tv9marathi

Consuming Vitamin C increases the number of platelets in the body. Eating foods containing Vitamin C like oranges, amla, and lemon is very beneficial, they increase platelets.

To increase blood in the body, soak raisins in water overnight and consume it in the morning. Raisins are very beneficial in diseases like anemia. By eating this, the reduced platelets in the body will start increasing rapidly. Raisins have a good amount of iron.

PC: tv9marathi

Eating pomegranate is also advised for anemia. In addition to medicines, pomegranate should also be given to the patient. Pomegranate contains elements that increase the number of platelets. Pomegranate is very beneficial for health. Being rich in iron, the amount of blood in the body increases. The essential minerals and immunity booster nutrients found in pomegranate give you strength.