When it comes to obesity, the first thing people pay attention to is the stomach and waist. Excess fat in the stomach and waist is generally considered obesity. But not only the stomach or waist but also the obesity on the hands and arms looks ugly. If you are physically fit. You do not have much fat in your body, nor do you need gym or much exercise, but you feel more fat in your hands and arms. You feel uncomfortable wearing sleeveless or short-sleeved clothes. Even if you want to, you are not able to wear the clothes of your choice just because they may look unsightly due to the obesity on your hands, then there is no need to worry. Here you are being told four yoga asanas, doing daily you can reduce the fat accumulated on your hands.

Vashishthasana is for reducing waist fat. But it also helps in reducing the fat of hands. To do this asana, first make a plank pose. Slowly put weight from your right side from hand to foot. Then lift the left leg and hand upwards. After this, place the left paw on the right paw. Place your left hand on your thighs. Then inhale and remain stable in this position for a few seconds. Exhale and come back to the plank position.

Chaturanga Dandasana
If you have excess fat in your arms then definitely do Chaturanga Dandasana. This asana helps in toning the stomach and waist as well as the entire body. To do this asana, lie down on your stomach and place your hands on the ground near the chest. Now put your entire body weight on your hands and rise upwards. Rest your feet on your toes. Take such a position that a 90-degree angle is formed between the hands. Doing this asana also helps in toning the arms.

By doing Konasana regularly, you can get rid of thick arms as well as excess fat on the thighs. To do Konasana, first stand straight. Now make distance between both the legs. Taking a long breath, move your left hand upward. After this, while exhaling, bend the spine and tilt the body to the left. Now pull your left hand upwards. Then turn your head to look upward with the left palm and keep the elbows in a straight line. While inhaling, come back to your posture and while exhaling, bring your left hand downwards.

Utkatasana is very beneficial in toning the hands as well as reducing belly fat. This seat is similar in shape to a chair. To do this asana, first of all, stand straight. Now to make the shape of a chair with the body, bend your knees and raise your hands forward, and keep them straight. Keep a little distance between your two legs. After that, extend the hands upwards and keep the elbows in a straight line. This will become the shape of the chair. Now raise your hands upwards and remain in this position for about 1 minute.

(PC: Freepik)